♥one day u feel like crying♥ ♥call me♥ ♥I dont promise that i will make u laugh♥ ♥but i can cry with u♥ ♥If one day u want to run away♥ ♥dont be afraid to call me♥ ♥I dont promise to ask u to stop♥ ♥but i can run with u♥ ♥If one day u dont want to listen to anyone♥ ♥call me♥ ♥I promise to be there for u but also promise to remain quiet♥ ♥But one day if u call♥ ♥and there is no anwser♥ ♥come fast to see me♥ ♥Perhaps i need you.....

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

kesah pengapit yg t'kepit haha

alhamdulillah wedding along da setel! fuhh mmg agk penat r cuti smggu ari 2 mmg aku x rse cm cuti. byk mende nk kene wat alih2 keje final pojek pn x t'usik (pdhl da jnji ngn miz nita nk hntr mse cuti). pes time aku jd pengapit (umh lelaki) 2 pn kene pakse berat gak ati ni yela aku mne la reti nk kipas2 ni nk touch up panten lg+ opkos r aku nk kuntrul anggun kn haha...tp bile igt blk cm klako je aku jd pengapit tp ahh bedal jela time 2...k la x tao nk merepek ape da haha kowg tgk jela pic2 time along kawen ni k. assalammualaikum